Inovaban İnovasyon ve Finansal Danışmanlık A.Ş. offers “Growth Strategies and Process Management” services to companies that aim to gain competitive advantage through R&D and innovation. It is the only company in its field to provide its customers with integrated solutions in the main services of fully utilizing R&D incentives and support programs, financial and legal risk management, and consultancy on intellectual and industrial property rights. In 2020, İnovaban engaged and formed business relationships with several companies classified as high and medium-high technology by the Turkish Statistical Institute. The company maintained its close relations with private banks, investment funds and investment networks that value the R&D ecosystem. İnovaban has also carried out activities in order to boost value-added production in Turkey, and ensure that the country's companies gain the upper hand in the international competition and efficiently accelerate their respective journeys towards commercialization and globalization. To serve this end, İnovaban employees participated in more than 20 training events, virtual fairs and conferences as trainers and panelists.