Loan Insurance

Loan Insurance

Credit Insurance which means the insurance of your commercial receivables is an exclusive risk management system.

• to work with your customers in sales on account and in credit accounts,
• to get into the new markets,
• to make quick decisions.
Credit Insurance protects your exportation and domestic sales as well as your balance sheet and it also enables you to work with your customers in credit account.

Risks which are guaranteed through Credit Insurance are;
• B​ankruptcy
• Ordinary Default (Non-payment, delaying)
• Political risks
Credit insurance;
• Provides protection against unexpected commercial and political risks
• Covers the legal expenses which arise during collection and compensation processes
• Enables receivable financing through the assignment of the Policy.
• Provides damage compensation service
• Provides the opportunity of maturity for your purchasers
• Provides the opportunity of unguaranteed working
• Makes you reach the correct information about your potential customers in a very short time.
• Enables you to get into new market safely.

Aktif Bank introduces the credit insurance and other guarantee services of Euler Hermes, Coface, Atradius and ICIEC, which are the leading companies in the world, to the service of Turkish customers. It carries your company to the new markets by creating solutions which are appropriate for your needs in terms of the insurance of short, medium and long term receivables.