Repo refers to selling of the financial instruments with the commitment to repurchase. You need to have a Drawing Account with the Bank for performing repo.
Repo is a risk-free investment instrument since its return is known in advance. You can determine the investment period with the maturity periods starting from 1 day, in line with your preference.
The interest rates will be updated as based on the conditions prevailing at the market.
You can perform any repo transaction, amounting at least TRY 200 and at most TRY 100.000, by making use of the Aktif Bank Internet Branch, or by dialing (0850) 724 30 50, the Communication Center, between 09:30 - 17:00, or by applying to all of the branches of our Bank between 09:30 - 17:00.
You can log in the
Internet Branch of Aktif Bank for calculating the repo amount and applying now.
N Kolay Mobile is available for all your banking needs! You can make all your transactions, get loan, and make investment.