Investment in the form of equities for N Kolay Persons:
N Kolay Trader

The advantageous investment options offered by N Kolay now incorporate equity trading!

You can now sign in N Kolay Trader and trade quickly and readily and start equity trading with advantageous commissions!


You can trade with advantageous commissions,

Access to the free of charge research reports,

Follow the companies, in which you are interested, on line, and add them to your favorites,

Perform the trading at the level you will determine without being required to follow up the price, thanks to the ordering feature,

You can perform your stock trading transactions easily and quickly by following the instant stock prices.

Follow up all financial news,

Become informed about the prices of the equities you will select without being required to follow the momentary price, thanks to the alarm feature.

  • Advantageous commission
  • Free of charge research report
  • The feature to add companies to the favorites
  • The opportunity to issue orders
  • The opportunity to sell alarms

Application and Use

How can I perform equity/warrant trading?

After opening an investment account through the Equities/Futures and Options Market (VIOP) transactions, available in the Investments menu at N Kolay mobile; you can readily and quickly perform equity, warrant and future contract trading at the Borsa Istanbul Equity Market and the Futures and Options Market through the N Kolay upon installing the N Kolay Trader application.

How can I log into N Kolay Trader?

If you are a N Kolay Customer

Go to Equity/Futures and Options Market (VIOP) transactions from the N Kolay Investments tab, and
• Open an equity account and transfer money to your account, and
• Send money quickly to your portfolio from your N Kolay account, and
• Download N Kolay Trader and log in by making use of your N Kolay password,
• Then, you will be able to perform all your transactions quickly.
If you are not a N Kolay Customer

Click on the "Become a N Kolay Customer " through the N Kolay Mobile and complete the account opening form, and
• You can readily complete the process to become a customer by means of video talk or courier.
• Select your Equity/Futures and Options Market (VIOP) transactions from the N Kolay Investments tab, and
• Send money quickly to your portfolio from your N Kolay account, and
• Transfer money to your account upon opening a securities account, and
• Download N Kolay Trader and log in by making use of your N Kolay password,
• Then, you will be able to perform all your transactions quickly.

What is the commission rate for the Equity/Warrant and Futures and Options Market (VIOP) trading?

In respect of the Equity & Warrant trading, the commission rates decrease gradually as based on the volume of the trading you will perform. In respect of the Futures and Options Market (VIOP) trading, a fixed commission rate of 0.0008% applies.

Min Max Percentage
- 500.000,00 %0,13
2.500.000,00 %0,10
2.500.001,00 5.000.000,00 %0,08

Can I use the amount, derived from sale of equities without waiting for the value date?

The receivable cannot be paid early due to the functioning of settlement, and consequently, the amount to be derived from the sale of equities cannot be used without waiting for the value date (T+2). The sale amount of the equities (shares) are transferred to the accounts of the intermediary institutions with a value date of 2 business days by the Takasbank, and the intermediary institutions can make payments to their clients 2 business days after the performance of the selling transaction with respect to the equities.

All transactions are in your pocket
with N Kolay Mobile app!

N Kolay Mobile is available for all your banking needs! You can make all your transactions, get loan, and make investment.