Meet N Kolay for free of charge money transfer!

Perform your money transfers on 7/24 basis through N Kolay without paying any cost.


⦁ You can perform your money transfers readily through N Kolay mobile or our Internet branch.

⦁ You will not pay any cost of even a piaster for any of your money transfers in TRY.

⦁ You can make use of Easy Address for transferring money.

⦁ You can create future-dated transfer orders for being sent at any time as you wish.

⦁ By recording your accounts or cards, by which you will perform transfers, you will not need to enter the details every time.

  • The convenience to transact on 7/24 basis
  • The convenience to transact by means of Easy Address
  • The convenience to create orders
  • The convenience to record money transfers

Frequently Asked Questions

Is money transfer free of charge?

N Kolay enables TRY money transfers free of charge. You can perform any transfer as you wish without being required to pay any cost for money transfers in TRY.

How can I perform a money transfer through N Kolay?

You can perform money transfers as you wish through the Transactions-> Money Transfers tab after logging in the application.

Can I perform money transfers on 7/24 basis?

You can perform your money transfers up to TRY 5.000 by means of FAST on 7/24 basis. You can perform your money transfers in excess of TRY 5.000 by means of EFT between 09:00 - 17:00 during the weekdays.

What are the limits for money transfers?

You can send money at a minimum amount of TRY 1.00 and a maximum amount of TRY 500.000, on daily basis.

All transactions are in your pocket
with N Kolay Mobile app!

N Kolay Mobile is available for all your banking needs! You can make all your transactions, get loan, and make investment.