You no longer need to have your card with you for making a payment! Make your payment quickly by making use of the N Kolay application through all POS enabling to transact by QR code.
Download N Kolay mobile for making your payments quickly by QR code.
You will not pay any fee for the transactions you will perform by making use of the QR code.
You can make your payments on 7/24 basis without any time constraint.
Through which POS can I transact?
You can make a payment by QR code through any POS that is TR QR Code featured.
Will I pay any transaction fee?
Our bank does not charge any commission for the payment transactions by QR Code.
Is there any transaction limit?
In respect of the payments made from an account, the limit of at most 15 transactions and a maximum amount of TRY 1500 apply on daily basis. The card password will be asked for the payment transactions, amounting to TRY 500 and higher and made by making use of a bank card.
In which currencies can I make a payment?
You can make payments only in TRY by making use of the QR code.
From which card will the payment be made?
During the performance of a payment, you can make use of any bank card or virtual card that is issued in your name by our Bank.
N Kolay Mobile is available for all your banking needs! You can make all your transactions, get loan, and make investment.