General Employee Qualities
Article 14-Banks shall show due diligence to ensure that their employees possess the knowledge, experience and sense of responsibility. Banks shall not employ persons who do not have legal conditions laid down in legislation, particularly under Banking Law No 5411.
Employment and Career Development
Article 15- Banks shall show due diligence to provide equal opportunities in both employment and also career development without making discrimination between their employees. Motivated by the principle of the best management of human resources, banks shall provide training, course, seminar and similar opportunities so that their employees achieve to have necessary knowledge level of the era and banking profession.
They shall take into consideration the commitment to banking ethics and diligence demonstrated in the implementation of these principles as well as the knowledge, skill and individual achievement during the promotion decisions of their employees.
Representation and Working Environment
Article 16- Banks shall introduce internal regulations foreseeing that their employees look neat and clean in conformance with the reputation of the banking profession and also with the awareness that they represent their banks.
Banks shall take measures as required for increasing of the motivation of their personnel working in all service units and for providing service of their personnel in better conditions and ensure a healthy and safe working environment.
Work Hours
Article 17- Banks shall show due diligence for the employment of sufficient number of personnel required by the workload, organize their employees in a way that they yield maximum productivity during the working hours, and show utmost efforts for preventing overtime work and for their employees use their annual leaves regularly
Relations of Employees with Their Customers
Article 18- Banks shall introduce internal regulations providing sanctions and measures for the prevention of their employees from:
Being involved in relations with the customers such as borrowing-lending, being guarantor and opening joint accounts with the customers which relations can not be explained under ethical principles,
Accepting presents from the current or potential customers of the bank, or Deriving personal benefits from both their job potentials and from the business potentials of their customers by using their status.
Employees’ Rights
Article 19- Banks shall show due diligence to ensure rights arising from legislation provisions that employees are subjected to in a timely and complete manner.