4 funds of Aktif Portfoy (Aktif Asset Management) Ranked First in 2021

4 funds of Aktif Portfoy (Aktif Asset Management) Ranked First in 2021

4 mutual funds of Aktif Portfoy (Aktif Asset Management), the right address for the return, ranked first in 2021 by outdistancing other funds in their categories.

The MKG - Gold Participation Fund, MMH - BIST 30 Index Equity Fund, MPF - Short Term Sukuk Participation Fund and MPK - Sukuk Participation Fund, all founded and managed by Aktif Portfoy (Aktif Asset Management), outdistanced all the competitors in their categories and ranked first in 2021, according to yearly returns.

Stating that, one of their goal is to distribute such returns to wider audiences in 2022, Bahadir Tonguc, the CEO of Aktif Portfoy (Aktif Asset Management), said; "We left behind 2021 with proven track records of success, in fluctuating market conditions. We not only delivered satisfactory returns for our investors but also continued to grow and expand our product range with our renewed face and corporate image.  We will continue to expand our fund family and grow without slowing down by evaluating the needs of investors correctly, in the upcoming period. "