Berlin 1961 Meets Turkish Readers

“Berlin 1961”, the book by Frederick Kempe, an award-winning journalist and intellectual, is now published in Turkish. The book discusses a period from the year that the Berlin Wall was first built.

​In his book Berlin 1961, published in 2011 and have reached out to a significant reader audience, the president and chief executive officer of the Atlantic Council Frederick Kempe, provides in depth analysis on the most decisive event in shaping the Cold War, based on a wealth of documents and interviews, filled with fresh insights.

At the kickoff meeting of the Turkish version of Berlin 1961 previously translated into 14 languages, Çalık Holding Board Chairman Ahmet Çalık said: "With his book 'Berlin 1961", the respected journalist and intellectual Frederick Kempe shed light on a milestone that shaped World History. I wholeheartedly believe that this masterpiece written upon a richly researched study, will reach out to a wide audience in our country, primarily to those who are keen in world history. I wish all the best."

Kempe: "History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes."

Frederick Kempe continued, "I believe it is worth to reexamine the events that took place between the US and the Soviet Union in 1961 which was an era when the relations between West and Russia had been at their lowest ebb since the end of the Cold War. During those days, just like today, leaders of Kremlin were probing the West's and particularly America's willingness to defend their interests. Almost two months after Khrushchev had outmaneuvered Kennedy at the failed 1961 Vienna Summit, the Soviet leader presided over the construction of what would become the Berlin Wall, with Kennedy's acquiescence. Not even a year after, the Cuban missile crisis brought the world to the brink of a nuclear war. History doesn't repeat itself, it often rhymes. If Moscow doubts the determination and power of the West, the risks will grow from Ukraine to Washington."

The book, recognized as the "A lively meticulous account of a crucial year in history" by The Economist magazine, is published by Doğan Egmont.