Soma Statement From Aktif Bank

Coal-mine disaster, which occurred on Tuesday, May 13th in Manisa Soma, has affected all of us deeply.

Coal-mine disaster, which occurred on Tuesday, May 13th in Manisa Soma, has affected all of us deeply.

We, Aktif Bank, have decided to postpone pack payments of 651 individual credits still on loan making a total of 4,030,606 TRY, which were used in Soma via PTT Offices and our agencies, for 2 months without any interest. Credit debts of our customers who lost their lives in this deplorable accident will be waived in case their relatives do apply and insurance indemnities will be paid to their families. 

We would like to convey our sincerest condolences to the family and friends and wish Allah’s mercy and grace for those who lost their lives in the bitter event that took place in Soma. We also would like to wish those who were injured to get well soon and restore their health as soon as possible.

Best regards,