Aktif Bank Internet Banking: Apply Now

​​​For Personal​ Internet Banking applications...

All of our customers who have a bank account or have used credit in Aktif Bank can instantly create their passwords by calling Aktif Bank Contact Center on 0850 724 30 50 and dialing 1 twice successively.

For Corporate Internet Banking applications...

Our customers, who want to get the advantage of our Aktif Bank Corporate Internet Banking service, just need to have a Drawing Commercial Account and fill the application form in the following link and submit this application to our closest branch.

After your application is received and approved by Aktif Bank, your password will be delivered to your company address in an envelope through a special courier.

In your password envelope;

there will be your user password (it will be known only by you and automatically changed when you connect the system for the first time). When you access Corporate Internet Banking for the first time, you need to contact your customer representative or call 0850 724 30 50 in order to activate your passwords. When your password is activated, your user number (special code for your name) will be sent to your mobile phone through SMS.