Aktif Bank Internet Banking: Your Responsibilities


Use passwords and keep all of your passwords confidential in order to prevent unauthorized people from accessing your informatio​n. Your Aktif Bank Internet Banking password must be single and well protected because it enables you to access your bank accounts. In this regard;

Try to create unique passwords which cannot be predicted by other people and keep your passwords confidential.

Use different passwords.

Do not use simple passwords such as your name, date of birth, phone number or your pet’s name because it is easy to remember.

Never write down your passwords.

If you really record your password, use a coding system. For example, change the sequence of some of the letters.

Aktif Bank staff will never ask your password, never share this information.

Update your operating system and browser regularly, use an antivirus program.

Use only secure computers in order to prevent your personal information from being stolen; never use the computers in internet cafes for the access to internet banking.

The most common way of spreading viruses is the electronic mail. So, you should pay attention to all of your e-mails, especially the unexpected ones and having attachments. Some viruses send their copies to everyone who is available in the address book in the computers where they are living. So, the electronic mail seems to be sent by a person known by you. The most common file extensions which are used by the viruses are.exe, .pif, .vbs.

Disable the function of “AutoComplete” which remembers the previous data and even passwords in your browser in order to prevent your personal information from being seen by other people.

Regularly update your antivirus software for the maximum efficiency.

Use special anti-spyware programs in order to protect yourself from spyware software which runs in your computer and monitor / record your personal information such as password, phone number, credit card number, identity number etc. during your surfing on the Internet. Spyware software can be downloaded in your computer while you download another free service in your computer without noticing it. Do not visit untrusted web sites.

Do not open your computer to sharing and disable the function of “File and Printer Sharing” of your computer in order to prevent unauthorized access.

Check your bank account statements frequently in order to control whether or not there is an extraordinary transaction or money withdrawal. If you suspect of any extraordinary case, immediately notify your bank of this case.

End your session in Aktif Bank Internet Banking by clicking “Secure Logout” which is located on the left bottom of the page.

Never run CHAT programs (Icq, Net Messenger, Skype etc.) while using Internet Branch.

Fake e-mails, which seem to be sent by various banks and finance institutions with a very serious, urgent and important content, are also very popular in the internet. Internet banking passwords and personal information are requested from the customers through the links in these e-mails. Never reply these e-mails or never enter the requested information. Aktif Bank does not require any password transaction through e-mail and does not request the personal information of the customers.

What is Phishing ?

Phishing is the most common kind of fraud among internet crimes which aim at stealing personal information of the individuals or corporates and carrying out financial transactions with this information.

Fraudsters prepare an e-mail, which seem to be sent by a finance institution, in order to steal personal information of the individuals or corporates; they send this e-mail to as many e-mail addresses as possible and request them to update their customer information and change their passwords with the fake links which are identical to the original ones. If the customer cannot understand that the e-mail is fake, he / she fills in the form and the fraudsters steal the personal information and password of the customers.

Through Phishing intrusions, generally such information as account numbers, passwords, credit card numbers, ATM card numbers and user codes is generally stolen.

Please remember that Aktif Bank will not send any e-mails which request you to enter or change your password. Aktif Bank send e-mails to its customers just for notification purposes. So, if you get an e-mail which is suspicious with the possibility of having a Phishing intrusion, please call 0850 724 30 50 Aktif Bank Contact Center immediately and notify our bank of the case.

Another way of avoiding Phishing intrusions is to control whether the page where you carry out your transaction is secure or not. Key lock image which appears on the right bottom of your browser indicates that your transaction is secured on that page. Moreover; please ensure that the address which appears in the address bar of your internet browser is "https" because the last letter “s” indicates that the page is secured. Even this is the case, you should remember that the fraudsters can also create these security indications on their fake web pages. It’s the most secure way to enter the address in the address bar on your own in order to use Internet Banking. Furthermore; if you frequently follow the web sites where you carry out your financial transactions, you can differentiate fake e-mails which are sent to your e-mail address.

Phishing intrusions can also be used with Money laundering purposes. Fake job advertisements which are prepared by the fraudsters and which include the promises of making money hand over fist are the most common types. Fraudsters get the account information of innocent people through this method; they access their money through Phishing intrusion and transfer this money by using these accounts. So, they both get the Money through Phishing intrusion and they shift the blame.

For Protection Aganist Phishing

When you want to use Aktif Bank Internet Banking, write www.aktifbank.com.tr in the address bar of your browser and click the Internet Branch link on this page.

Ensure the validity of the e-mails which are sent to you and learn about the person who send them to you. If you cannot do this or if you are suspicious about the content, immediately apply to your finance institution.

While carrying out online transactions, please check whether the pages are secure or not.

Please check whether there is a “https” in the address bar of your internet browser as well as a key lock image on the right bottom of your internet browser.

Web sites are generally composed of the name of the company followed by such extensions as .com, .org, .net. On the contrary, fake sites mostly have numeric addresses. ​