Direct Debiting System

What is the Direct Debiting System (DBS)? 

Direct Debiting System is the debiting system which enables to make the collections of your customers on time to which you make sale via the dealer / distributor electronically within the loan limits granted from the accounts of the dealers / distributors at Aktif Bank. 

Your collections are made by taking the invoice amounts which are identified to the Aktif Bank system by you as a main company from the dealer’s/distributor’s accounts automatically on due date and by transferring it to your account automatically.

 What are the advantages of the Direct Debiting System for the main company? 

 • The risk of loss and stealing resulted from the transfers of checks and bonds disappear. 

• If required, your dealers / customers within the systems are provided loan and your collections are made on due time. 

• The risk of non-collection for your credits within the system disappears. 

• Your recipient risk is undertaken by the bank and followed. 

• Your collection enhances and the funding cost reduces accordingly. 

• As the Company eases your Cash Management, you are enabled to see the future in financial aspect. 

• Your payment information is transferred to your accounting system automatically provided that your technical infrastructure is ready, and your accounting process eases. 

• Your operational load resulted from the Check / Bond monitoring is removed.

What are the advantages of Direct Debiting System for the dealer / distributor? 

 • Operational cost and labor load of your Dealer / Distributor decreases. 

• Deferred payment monitor of the Dealer / Distributor gets easy. 

• The non-payment risk of the checks and bonds of THE Dealer / Distributor disappears and the cost of monitor and risk is minimized. 

• The cash loan and guarantee letter need of your Dealer / Distributor is met with only one limit and the repeating expenses are prevented. 

• If required, the cash loan need is met directly from the DBS limit and your Dealer / Distributor does need to be in search for the cash loan. 

• The transfer and EFT expenses are removed as the invoice cost is paid via the automatic bank transfer for free of charge. 

• The invoice cost paid on time by the Works on credit keeps the dealer-main company relationships on the top. 

• It saves from the guarantee cost and operational cost such as check-book, the guarantee letter given for the product purchase, mortgage. The legal sanctions of the payments made by the check or bond disappear.